Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., How to overcome the traffic jam in Moscow: Simulation of the district’s and satellite town’s specialization. George Mason University, Washington DC, USA, 2008.

It is well known that Moscow is overpopulated in terms of number of citizens per square meters of territory or living, or roads. It produced intensive traffic jam at working hours, over pollution of CO2 and many other inconveniences. Now the traffic jam is going to be main problem for the inhabitants. We simulate here one of the most cardinal ways to win traffic jam. 

There are a number of known ways how to overcome traffic problems, using the experience of the big cities like London, Tokyo, New York, Paris and others. The agent – based model’s simulation is an effective and tool to compare all these ways using different criteria.

We simulate here one of the most cardinal ways to win traffic jam. Namely, building up of number satellite towns around Moscow and simultaneously, to realize complex of measures to make districts of Moscow more specialized.

The first direction is expected to weaken overpopulation of the city, and the second one focused on shortening time to be in transport because of closing work and living.
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